Our Social Media Platforms
FB, Instagram, Linkedin, Twitter & TikTok
*Participation in an On-Air interview is optional
*Your brand will be the co-sponsors for the Live Stream, Zoom, and HOPIN experience
*You will offer an
directly foster vendors' registration and payments to receive on the VENDORSZ platform. This is for vendors who plan to attend the physical event in New Orleans & the online event.
As a Co-Sponsor for vendors your brand will be featured in the following:
*Your brand's logo will be featured for (2) days on a digital billboard (location to be confirmed in New Orleans) featuring paper dresses & hats with logos of CIRCULAR Co-Sponsors
*Posting your Recycle Challenge video on social media (2)
*Announcing your Co-Sponsorship on a press release introducing the various levels of co-sponsors.
On social media, your Recycle story video along with your Instagram account link will be introduced once a month.
CIRCULAR Co-Sponsor logo will be featured for the online experiences (Zoom, Hopin, and YouTube) when the live streaming
*Interviews (TBA) with media will be confirmed
*Your brand will be the overall sponsor(s) for the online experience that will be presented "live" on Youtube, with Zoom viewing rooms
presented on Hopin with online vendors.
*Radio or Print Advertising will feature and or mention your brand or logo as a sponsor.
*Posting your Recycle Challenge video on social media (1)
*Posting (1) video commercial from your brand while "Live Streaming"
*Announcing your sponsorship flyer twice a week for a month
*Carbon Sponsor (1) banner & sign featured nearest to the stage your sponsoring
*Interviews (TBA) with youth reporter(s) for Whose Magazine? A Youth Publication
*Carbon Sponsor booth is at the entrance of the patio.
*(1) Online experience as the overall sponsor(s)on Hopin. Your logo will be featured prominently
stallGreen living wall booth constructed with plants 10X10
*One table constructed of recycled material, 1 or 2 chairs
*Featured logos on all promotional materials & advertising
*(1) Folding Table or table crafted of recycled material
*(1) cloth if, your space has a folding table
*(2) folding chairs (1) battery operated hanging light
Our Social Media Platforms
FB, Instagram, Linkedin, Twitter & TikTok
*Radio or Print Advertising will feature your logo, and mention your brand as the sponsor for the patio and street area.
*Posting your Recycle Challenge video on social media (1)
*Announcing your sponsorship flyer twice a week for a month
*During the event the MC will thank you for being the Patio & Street Sponsor and the other brand stage sponsors at the beginning and end of performances & presentations in the area.
*Provide (1) banner & or sign that will be prominently featured in the closet area of the stage
*Interviews (TBA) with press and youth reporter(s) will be arranged.
*Carbon Sponsor booth is at the entrance of the patio.
*(1) Green living wall booth constructed with plants 10X10
*One table constructed of recycled material, 1 or 2 chairs
*Featured logos on all promotional materials & advertising
*(1) Folding Table or table crafted of recycled material
*(1) cloth if, your space has a folding table
*(2) folding chairs (1) battery operated hanging light
Green Area
Our Social Media Platforms
FB, Instagram, Linkedin, Twitter & TicTok
*Radio or Print Advertising will feature and or mention your Carbon logos as a sponsor.
*Posting your Recycle Challenge video on social media (2)
*Announcing your sponsorship (4) times a week for two months
*During the event, the MC will acknowledge your brand as The Green Area Sponsor and the other brand stage sponsors at the beginning and end of performances & presentations in the area.
*Provide (1) banner & or sign that will be prominently featured in the closet area of the stage
*Interviews (TBA) with press and youth reporter(s) will be arranged.
*Sponsors may select the location for your booth within the main area of the Green Area.
*Sponsor may select the prime location provided at the front & side entrance
*Carbon Sponsor booth will be located at the entrance of the patio.
*(1) Green living wall booth constructed with plants 10X10
* (1) space within the Green Area to welcome guests and obtain email addresses and post information.
*One table constructed of recycled material, 1 or 2 chairs
*Featured logos on all promotional materials & advertising
*(1) Folding Table or table crafted of recycled material
*(1) cloth if, your space has a folding table
*(2) folding chairs (1) battery operated hanging light
Main Stage
Our Social Media Platforms
FB, Instagram, Linkedin, Twitter & TicTok
*Radio or Print Advertising will feature and or mention your Carbon logos as a sponsor.
*Posting your Recycle Challenge video on social media (4)
*Announcing your sponsorship flyer (3) times a week for a month for three months.
*During the event, the MC will acknowledge your brand as The Green Area Sponsor at the beginning and end of performances & presentations in the area.
*Provide (1) banner & or sign that will be prominently featured in the closet area of the stage​
*Interviews (TBA) with press and youth reporter(s) will be arranged.
*Brand logos on press releases & promotional material
​*Interviews (TBA) with youth reporter(s) for Whose Magazine?
*Carbon Sponsor booth is at the entrance of the patio.
*(1) Green living wall booth with live plants with a hanging battery lighting10X10.
*One table constructed of recycled material, 1 or 2 chairs
*Featured logos on all promotional materials & advertising
*(1) Folding Table or table crafted of recycled material
*(1) cloth if, your space has a folding table
*(2) folding chairs (1) battery operated hanging light